Reno Product Liability Lawyer
Law Office of Matthew L. Sharp represents individuals in Reno that are harmed by a number of defective and unsafe products. If you believe that you or someone you love was injured by a defective product, whether it is a faulty car part, a defective or unsafe medication or a faulty children’s toy, you can seek experienced and qualified legal representation by contacting us today.
Nevada Product Liability Laws
Each year, millions of people are harmed by defective products, ranging from defective auto parts to recalled medical devices and prescription medications. Some people are harmed by defective products while they’re on the job; others are hurt in their homes or while out and about. Laws regarding defective products in Nevada, as well as in other states, can apply in many situations.
Questions that should be asked when determining if a product is defective include:
- Is there a design defect in the product?
- Is there a manufacturing defect?
- Has the product manufacturer provided adequate instructions and warnings on the proper use of the product?
Defective Auto Parts
A plethora of auto defects result in injuries and fatalities on our roads every year. These are in addition to the mistakes made by drivers.
Auto parts that can cause serious injuries if defective include:
- Child seats
- Air bags
- Fuel systems
- Tires
- Brakes
Other problems include:
- Design problems contributing to overturns
- Electronic stability control problems
- Electronic-based causes for unintended acceleration
- Gas pedal entrapment by floor mats
- Safety defects in the steering relay rod
If you or someone you love is injured by a defective auto part, you can seek help from Reno product liability lawyer Matthew L. Sharp. Mr. Sharp is experienced in personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits involving a number of auto defects and is not afraid to stand up to major motor vehicle manufacturing companies and their insurance companies.
Defective Medical Devices and Drugs
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has guidelines governing the design and development of medications and devices. It can take 10 years or longer to develop a drug before it is ready to market. Drugs and devices are required to meet a stringent set of standards before they are sold to the public.
Often, however, it is only when a drug or device has been approved, reached the market, and is used by thousands of individuals, that defects show up. When such defects arise, they can lead to serious complications in patients and even death.
One of the most famous drug defects occurred when children were born to mothers who had taken a drug called thalidomide during their pregnancies. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, more than 10,000 children in 46 countries were born with severe deformities of the limbs. While the drug still is used to treat certain conditions, it cannot be prescribed for women who are pregnant. If a woman could become pregnant, a set of stringent rules and regulations must be followed for the drug to be prescribed.
This is one of the most infamous stories about drug defects. But today, many drugs as well as devices are still making it to market only to be found to cause birth defects as well as other health problems or death. Some of the more recent drugs and devices in this category include antidepressants, birth control pills, antipsychotics, heart disease drugs, hip and knee replacements, transvaginal mesh, defibrillators, respirators and stents.
All of these defective drugs and devices have led to lawsuits by individuals or their loved ones who have been harmed by them. If you or someone you love has been harmed by a defective medical device or a recalled drug, you can seek legal help from product liability lawyer Matthew L. Sharp.
Other Defective Products
Mr. Sharp is equipped with the knowledge and resources to handle a wide range of defective product cases. Some of the other types of defective products include:
- Baby toys
- Baby car seats
- Car
- Infant and child strollers
- Cribs for infants and young children
- Highchairs
- Denture creams
- Chinese drywall
- Seat belts
- Lawnmowers
- Heavy machinery
- Flammable pajamas and furniture
- Watercrafts
- Power tools
If you or someone you love has been harmed or died as a result of using a defective product, you should be compensated for medical bills, recovery care, pain and suffering, lost income, loss of companionship, and as well as numerous other losses. To find out if you qualify to file a claim, contact our law office today.
Contact a Reno Product Liability Lawyer
If you’ve suffered a serious side effect from a medication, you should contact a Reno pharmaceutical lawyer with years of experience getting financial compensation for his clients. Mr. Sharp believes that drug manufacturing companies have a responsibility to American consumers, and when they cause harm; he fights to get them the maximum amount of compensation possible. To find out if you have a case, contact Mr. Sharp today.
“I recently retained the professional services of Matthew Sharp and his law firm to represent my interest in a legal proceeding. Mr. Sharp and his firm shall I say was way over the top in providing excellent and sound legal advice. His professional attitude and attention to detail during the entire process was second to none as well as the rapid and courteous responses from Mr. Sharp and his staff to any and all of my questions regarding my case. Furthermore, I would give my utmost support to anyone choosing Mr. Sharp and his firm in any type of legal representation.”