Las Vegas Insurance Bad Faith Attorney
An insurance company exists to help people when they need it most. When you become a policyholder, you trust your insurer to take care of you in times of need. That’s what you pay your insurance company for, and that’s what they’ve promised to do.
When you’re injured, facing a serious illness, or have suddenly lost your home, it’s the worst time to find out your insurance company is untrustworthy. But sadly, this is exactly what happens to countless individuals throughout Nevada.
If you believe that your insurance company has violated the terms of your policy by wrongfully denying your claim or is otherwise acting unlawfully, a Las Vegas insurance bad faith lawyer is ready to meet with you for a free case evaluation. We can review your insurance policy and denial letter, along with other supporting evidence, and advise you of your legal options.
The Law Office of Matthew L. Sharp defends policyholders from corporate misconduct in Las Vegas, Clark County, and throughout the state of Nevada. Contact us for a 100% free consultation.
Types of Bad Faith Insurance Claims We Handle
The Law Office of Matthew L. Sharp is a personal injury law firm that commits a large part of our legal practice to protecting clients against bad faith actions committed by all types of insurance carriers.
Some of the cases we regularly handle in the Las Vegas area include:
- Auto insurance disputes
- Health insurance disputes
- Homeowners insurance disputes
- Disability claim denials
If you don’t see the type of insurance dispute that you’re dealing with listed above, contact our office nonetheless.
Our highly specialized skills, resources, and experience allow us to successfully navigate a number of complex bad faith insurance cases that many other law firms are not equipped to handle. We will gladly evaluate your case and advise you of your legal rights at no cost to you.
What Is Insurance Bad Faith?
“Bad faith” refers to actions that are not handled by insurers in good faith, meaning an insurance company acts fraudulently, dishonestly, neglectfully, or breaches their obligation to another party (i.e., their insured).
Insurance bad faith practices mean that the company mishandled a claim by breaking a law, violating a contract, purposely missing a deadline, or acting in another way that intentionally or negligently does not meet good faith standards.
Our Las Vegas insurance bad faith lawyer knows these types of actions to be far more common than many people realize. The health insurance industry alone is a multi-billion-dollar industry, not counting homeowners’ insurance, auto insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and many other other types of coverage options that, on their own, rake in millions in revenue every year.
We cannot state with enough emphasis that insurance companies are motivated by profits.
This leads corporate leadership and decision-makers to put practices in place that aim toward the goal of reducing payouts and saving money. Anyone who has seen the inner-workings of an insurance agency knows this to be true. The system is not built in favor of the claimant—it is built to benefit the company.
The actions of an insurance company will always put profits over people. This is why we see so much corporate dishonesty and tricky, manipulative practices in our roles as insurance bad faith attorneys—and why we work so hard to make ourselves the best advocates we can be on behalf of the clients we represent.
Examples of Bad Faith Insurance Practices
The type of bad faith practice you’re currently coming up against with your insurance company may include:
- Denying a claim without a valid reason
- Refusing to provide further details about a claim denial
- Delaying processes so that vital deadlines are missed, limiting your ability to recover compensation
- Not conducting adequate investigations into your incident
- Offering a settlement amount far lower than what your claim is really worth
- Purposely misconstruing language in the terms of your policy to deny you compensation
- Cutting off communications with you
- Retroactively canceling your coverage without legitimate cause
- Delaying payment on a valid claim
- Threatening or intimidating you into accepting an unreasonable settlement offer
It is astonishing how frequently we see these tactics used by unscrupulous insurance corporations. The sad truth is that most people don’t have a deep understanding about what an insurance company legally can and cannot do.
This knowledge gap is completely understandable—those who are not in the legal or insurance fields rarely have the time or opportunity to become well-versed on the incredibly dense and complex network of federal and state laws by which insurance agencies must abide. And insurers are never shy to exploit the fact that they know more about insurance laws than most claimants.
A situation like this puts policyholders at a severe disadvantage. At the Law Office of Matthew L. Sharp, we are driven to even the playing field and give policyholders a platform on which they can fully understand and uphold their rights as consumers. So, whether you see the misconduct you’re dealing with on the list above or not, reach out to us. We can likely help.
You Have Rights as a Policyholder
When you purchase an insurance policy, it grants you certain rights that your provider must abide by. An insurance policy is considered a contract per Nevada law. Thus, you have a right to:
- Fair investigation: Your insurance company must conduct a thorough, objective, and fair investigation of your claim. They must use the available evidence to assess the validity of your claim without any bias.
- Timely processing: Your claim must be processed within a reasonable and defined time frame. As a result, you are not left waiting an extended period without any updates or a resolution to your claim.
- Total compensation: You are entitled to the full benefits outlined in your insurance policy. As long as your claim is valid, the insurer must fully compensate you for any damages or other losses covered under your policy.
- Transparency: Whether your claim is approved or denied, the insurer must provide you with a clear explanation of their decision. Under these rights, you must be notified of the status of your claim, the reasons behind any decisions, and your options in the case of a denial or delay.
These above-referenced rights protect you as a policyholder. However, not all insurance companies abide by these rights. When non-compliance occurs, you may have to pursue a bad faith insurance claim.
Our Las Vegas Insurance Bad Faith Attorneys Have Your Best Interests in Mind
When we see unfairness, we take action. And there is no fight more unfair than a billion-dollar corporation stepping on the rights of an injured individual.
It’s moments like these when founding attorney Matthew L. Sharp truly lives up to his nickname: Honey Badger. Fearless. Tenacious. Unafraid to take on a bully. These are the words used to describe honey badgers, and these are the qualities we’ll put to work for you.
Don’t let an insurance company get away with what they’ve long been doing any longer. We’re here to help you receive fair treatment and hold corporate wrongdoers accountable for their harmful actions.
Contact us today to begin a conversation a Las Vegas insurance bad faith lawyer. The Law Office of Matthew L. Sharp provides free, no-obligation consultations and takes most cases on a contingency fee basis.