Category: Personal Injury

These Diabetes Medications Could Double Your Amputation Risk

Published on January 27, 2020, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Diabetes medications containing SGLT2 inhibitors, such as Farxiga and Jardiance, may double a patient’s risk of lower limb amputation. Dangers of Diabetes Drugs Recent health studies show that popular diabetes medications like Farxiga and Jardiance present serious amputation risks of lower limbs, a risk that’s already greater for people with diabetes. While these drugs provide help with the management and treatment of diabetes, their dangers may far outweigh their advantages. Farxiga and Jardiance are part of a class of drugs called sodium-glucose co-transporter2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. New research shows [...]
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How to Sue the Government for Injuries

Published on October 16, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, an individual is allowed to sue the federal government for personal injuries and property damages, if negligent actions by the government or a federal employee were responsible. Suing the Government Most government agencies, including the state and federal government, have sovereign immunity which prevents lawsuits from being filed against them. However, the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) allows private citizens to file lawsuits against the government. Under the FTCA, the federal government is liable for the negligent or wrongful acts of its [...]
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Death at Orland Square Mall: Who Is Liable?

Published on September 25, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Mall owners have a legal duty to provide a safe environment for customers and they are generally liable for accidents and injuries that occur on their premises. Liability for Mall Accidents and Injuries State and federal laws require mall and shopping center owners to protect visitors on their property from harm. This makes property owners liable for foreseeable accidents and injuries. Mall owners are not held liable for every injury that occurs on the premises, however. Foreseeable accidents are often caused by negligence on the part of the [...]
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High-Visibility Motorcycle Safety Gear May Save Lives [infographic]

Published on August 6, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

High-visibility motorcycle safety gear makes riders more conspicuous on the road. Motorcyclists who wear high-visibility clothing and personal protective equipment are approximately 37% less likely to be involved in a motorcycle crash.  High-Visibility Motorcycle Safety Gear The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that all motorcycle riders wear high-visibility safety gear to increase their visibility on the road. However, many riders choose not to comply with these safety recommendations. In recent studies, motorcycle riders of different ages and genders expressed objections about wearing high-visibility apparel because of [...]
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When Patrons Can’t Make It Out Alive

Published on April 19, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

When emergency exits and evacuation routes are not clearly marked in public spaces, patrons’ lives are put at risk for injury and death in building fires, explosions, and other dangerous incidents. Emergency Evacuation Exits In public buildings, emergency exits often mean the difference between life and death when people must evacuate quickly. Thousands of people die in building fires and explosions each year because emergency exits are not clearly marked, blocked by objects, or locked. Within the past few years, numerous deaths have occurred in nightclub fires and [...]
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Reckless Behaviors During Spring Break in Reno

Published on March 7, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Speeding and reckless driving, impaired boating, binge drinking, drug use, lack of sleep, and other reckless behaviors lead to thousands of Reno Spring Break accidents and injuries each year. Spring Break Dangers Teenagers and reckless behaviors often go hand-in-hand, especially during spring break when millions of high school and college students are out of school and looking for a good time. Every year during spring break, crowds of young people head to popular destinations to celebrate an entire week of no classes, no homework assignments, and no exams. [...]
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When April Fool’s Pranks Go Horribly Wrong

Published on February 11, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Although April Fool’s Day pranks are meant to be funny or embarrassing, many go horribly wrong causing serious injuries, and even death. Last year, there were over 400,000 injuries related to pranks and stunts that were treated in hospital emergency departments. April Fool’s Pranks can be Deadly April Fool’s Day is a fun holiday for many people who enjoy a surprise and a chuckle. Who doesn’t laugh at the candles that never blow out, the trick gum that snaps at a person’s fingers, or the fake flower that [...]
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The Toxic Tort: Were You Exposed?

Published on January 15, 2019, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

When people are exposed to hazardous substances they ingest, inhale, or have skin contact with, toxic tort cases may arise. Hazards may include contaminated drugs, consumer products that contain dangerous substances, or environmental toxins like contaminants in drinking water. What is a Toxic Tort? Exposure to toxic substances found in many chemicals, gases, inhalants, and drugs can result in injuries and illnesses. Millions of consumers and workers are exposed to dangerous toxins that cause various health problems every day. Many people come in contact with toxins while cleaning, [...]
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What’s In Your Drinking Water Nevada?

Published on December 12, 2018, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

State health officials and researchers found 88 different contaminants including lead, arsenic, uranium and coliform bacteria in Nevada’s drinking water supply, and 14 substances were detected at levels above recommended EPA safety limits. Contaminated Drinking Water in Nevada A recent report in USA Today shows that 23 Nevada public water systems are not compliant with safety standards for contaminants. Public records from the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection show that three state public water systems exceed recommended safety levels for contaminants including lead, uranium, arsenic, and coliform bacteria. [...]
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Do You Have Memory Loss Caused by Brain Damage? [infographic]

Published on November 7, 2018, by Matthew Sharp

Infographic, Personal Injury

Memory loss caused by brain damage is a serious issue. Severe head trauma and brain injury often cause short-term and long-term memory loss. A person who suffers a moderate to severe brain injury may not even remember the incident that caused the injury or the events leading up to or following the injury. (Article continues below infographic) Head Trauma and Brain Injury Severe head trauma is caused by a blow to the head. It can result from a car accident, a fall, or intentional force. A concussion is [...]
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