Year: 2021

Determining Liability for Campground Injuries

Published on June 18, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Anyone who sustains an injury because a campground owner, campground’s staff member, tour company, or fellow camper breached this duty can sue the liable party. Campgrounds have a legal duty to ensure the safety of campers while they’re on site. Campers also have a responsibility to observe the necessary safety measures to avoid causing accidents that could lead to serious, life-altering injuries. Tour companies that organize physical excursions, such as guided treks and sporting activities, must also put the right safety measures to protect their customers from any [...]
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Your Guide to MedPay Insurance in Nevada

Published on June 4, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Car Accident

MedPay insurance in Nevada is an optional type of car insurance coverage. It may be incorporated into any auto insurance policy. It usually covers medical and funeral costs related to a motor vehicle crash that hurts the policyholder, the policyholder’s immediate family members, and the passengers in the policyholder’s car. Apart from its budget-friendly cost, MedPay insurance is valuable insurance coverage for any car owner. Nevada requires all insurance companies providing auto insurance policies to provide optional MedPay with a minimum coverage of $1,000. The coverage applies no [...]
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The Deadliest Holiday of the Year Might Surprise You

Published on May 26, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

National statistics show that Memorial Day is the deadliest holiday in the United States. This holiday accounts for more fatalities than Labor Day, the 4th of July, and even New Year’s Eve. In fact, the fatality rate is four times higher on Memorial Day weekend compared to an ordinary weekend. Fatal Vehicle Crashes on Memorial Day Memorial Day recorded an average of 312 fatal accidents between 2011 and 2015. Two other holidays followed closely. Labor Day and the 4th of July had an average of 308 and 307 fatalities [...]
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These Dangerous Maneuvers Increase the Risk of Trucking Accidents

Published on May 5, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Trucking Accident

Making quick lane changes, moving too fast in response to changing conditions, tailgating, running yellow lights, and overtaking other vehicles are examples of dangerous maneuvers that elevate the risk of trucking accidents. These careless maneuvers are already disastrous when performed in small passenger cars. They are likely to cause more catastrophic accidents when performed by huge trucks. Common Dangerous Maneuvers That Truckers Make Making Careless Lane Switches Switching from one lane to another while operating a fully loaded commercial truck is riskier than doing the same in a [...]
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These Are Some of the Most Dangerous Medications in America [infographic]

Published on April 5, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Infographic, Personal Injury

Opioids, birth control pills, Zithromax, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and acetaminophen plus alcohol are some of the most dangerous medications in America. Drug-related fatalities are increasing dramatically across the nation, and tens of thousands of Americans lose their lives every year due to drug-related reasons. Some drugs cause severe complications or even death after just a single dose, while others lead to death after prolonged use. (Article continues below infographic) The Most Dangerous Drugs in America Opioids Opioids are a group of prescription drugs used mostly as [...]
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Sexual Abuse at the Gym: Who Is Liable?

Published on March 18, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

Gym operators, trainers, staff, or other trainees can be liable for sexual abuse at the gym. Sexual abuse can involve just one incident of abuse or a series of abusive behaviors and acts. Examples of sexual abuse at the gym include undesirable sexual advances, jokes, hints, suggestions, offensive comments, or the display of pictures that target a person because of his or her sex. The severity or prevalence of the sexual abuse could influence which damages the victim will recover. The more severe the abuse, the bigger the [...]
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Common Causes of ATV Accidents [infographic]

Published on March 9, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Infographic, Personal Injury

Most all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents occur because of driving over unfamiliar areas, performing dangerous stunts, and transporting extra passengers. They may also happen because of inexperience. Consumption of alcohol or drugs also increases the risk of these accidents. (Article continues below infographic) What Are the Common Causes of ATV Crashes? Driving Over Unfamiliar Areas Riding ATVs over unfamiliar terrain increases the risks of an accident. Before accelerating the speed, a driver should first acquaint himself or herself with the terrain. He or she can ride over the road [...]
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Understanding the Eggshell Skull Rule

Published on January 4, 2021, by Matthew Sharp

Personal Injury

The “eggshell skull rule” helps ensure that plaintiffs can recover compensation for damages caused by another party’s negligence even if the injuries might not have been as severe but for the plaintiff’s preexisting medical condition or vulnerability to injury. What Is the Eggshell Skull Rule? Under the eggshell skull rule, a defendant remains liable for injuries caused by negligence or an intentional act regardless of the plaintiff’s increased susceptibility to injury. The rule effectively protects plaintiffs who have pre-existing conditions that increase the risk or severity of injuries in [...]
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